Year 1

Year 1 Curriculum Project

Year 1 Project - School Days

In the School Days project, your child will have the opportunity to take part in a traditional Victorian class and will learn about the differences between schooling in the Victorian era and schooling today. They will learn about objects found in a Victorian classroom and how they were used. They will research Samuel Wilderspin, an important figure in the development of schooling for young children in the Victorian era, whose ideals are reflected in schooling today. They will learn to describe the passage of time through study of past, present and future tense vocabulary.

Memorable Experience - Victorian classroom workshop

Geography - Fieldwork; Human and physical features; Maps; Local environment; Changes over time

History - Historical vocabulary; Historical artefacts; Timelines; Present day schools; Our school; Victorian era; Victorian schools; Significant people – Samuel Wilderspin


This project is also supported with mini projects in;

Science: Plant parts; Animal parts.

Art and Design: Funny faces and fabulous features

Design and Technology: Chop, slice and mash

Computing: derived from D.A.R.E.S 

Music: derived from Kapow

PE: derived from Greenacres/TeamThemeKent Resources

PSHE: derived from Jigsaw

RE: derived from Kent SACRE Curriculum

More information about the Year 1 Curriculum can be found in the YEAR 1 Long Term Plan 2023 document found below. 

Year 1 Key Information

In Year 1 PE lessons are timetabled for Monday and Thursday. Please make sure that earrings are taped up or removed on these days.

We will participate in tri-golf lessons on Monday and cricket on Thursday.





W/C 1.7.24, we will:

  • draft and edit a diary entry by the farmer
  • write in neat the farmer's diary entry
  • draft and edit a recount about the 'Big Dance'
  • write the recount out in neat
  • complete a grammar focused task - contractions (I'll, shouldn't etc)

Reading for fluency -

Book - Poetry is not for me

Read and understand chapter 2.














W/C 1.7.24, we will:

  • recognise notes
  • count in coins
  • complete an end-of-topic check on money
  • complete a pre-topic check on time
  • Understand the time words before and after


Ten and a bit - 16-20

Additional Information

Big Dance - Tuesday 2nd July
Please make sure your child has a packed lunch unless you have pre-ordered a school packed lunch.
Please remove or tape earrings every Monday and Thursday for PE.
Please hear your child 
read at home as much as possible. This really helps them in all subjects (please ensure that reading books are in school every day)
Show and Tell is only on Fridays and rotates between the houses:

5.6.24  is Brown (red)


Parents link for guidance on the Little Wandle phonics scheme 



This week's homework is;

  • To read for at least 10 minutes everyday to an adult.
  • 10 minutes of Numbots and/or Doodlemaths everyday (codes in reading record books)
  • For those wanting additional work -

English: Write sentences which use either a full stop, question mark or exclamation mark 

Practise spelling and put into sentences:

they, through, thought, their, there and friend

Write as many words as you can that rhyme with the word - bike

Write the days of the week (remember to use a capital letter)

Write the months of the year (remember to use a capital letter)

Write a diary entry about one day.

Science: find pictures of different animals one from each group - fish, mammal, amphibian, reptile, invertebrate or bird - sort them using either a Venn diagram or a Carroll diagram


Give your child some coins (not to keep unless they deserve it), can they work out the total value of the coins? Can they sort them into different groups of their choice and explain how they were sorted? Can they order them by their size and then by their value?


If they do any of this, please send it in so that they can receive house points.


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