Year 1 Curriculum Project

Year 1 Project - Bright Lights, Big City

In the Bright Lights, Big City project, your child will learn the story of a local landmark. They will learn about the countries that make up the United Kingdom, including their location, capital cities and some of their physical and human features. They will have the opportunity to do map work, using compasses and positional and directional language to plan routes around London. They will research the cause and impact of the Great Fire of London and look at some famous London landmarks. They will learn about other capital cities around the world, including Kuala Lumpur, and compare how they are similar and different to London

Memorable Experience - Local landmarks

Geography - Local landmarks; countries and capital cities of the UK; Physical features of the UK; Settlements; Human features; Weather and seasons; London - a capital city; Landmarks; Aerial images; Maps; Directions - locational and directional language; Geographical similarities and differences

History - Significant events - Great Fire of London


This project is also supported with mini projects in;

Science: Seasonal Changes

Art and Design: Rain and sunrays

Design and Technology: Mechanisms

Computing: derived from D.A.R.E.S 

Music: derived from Kapow

PE: derived from TeamThemeKent Resources

PSHE: derived from Jigsaw

RE: derived from Kent SACRE Curriculum and Cornerstones RE projects

More information about the Year 1 Curriculum can be found in the YEAR 1 Long Term Plan 2024 document found below. 

Year 1 Key Information

In Year 1 PE lessons are timetabled for Tuesday (Gymnastics) and Friday (Hockey). Please make sure that earrings are taped up or removed on these days. 












Additional Information

As the weather is turning cold and wet, please send in a warmer PE kit for your child. Such as: PE joggers, hoodie/jumper, several pairs of socks and some trainers. Name everything!
Please remove or tape earrings  for PE.
Please hear your child 
read at home as much as possible. This really helps them in all subjects (please ensure that reading books are in school every day)
Show and tell is done weekly on a Friday (the house teams rotate):

Friday 13th December

Team: Storey (blue) 

Future dates:

20.12.24 = Yee (red)
10.1.25 = Page (green)
17.1.25 = Pidcock (yellow)
24.1.25 = Storey (blue)

Parents link for guidance on the Little Wandle phonics scheme 



This week's homework is;

  • To read for at least 10 minutes everyday to an adult.
  • 10 minutes of Numbots (codes in reading record books)
  • For those wanting additional work -

English: Write sentences to Mrs Ball telling her their likes and dislikes both in and outside of school. Draw a picture of themselves.

Practice lines for the Nativity

Maths: write numbers and number words to ten. Make sure that the numbers are correctly formed (numbers always start at the top).

Adult write a number word - child write the number in numeral form.

Play the maths game - as both numbers and number words.


If your child does any of these, please send them in so that they can receive house points.
