Illness, Absence and Holiday

Like all state schools, we are required to keep records of attendance for every pupil. We expect children to be in every day that the school is open. Absence is only authorised for health reasons including medical appointments and ‘exceptional’ circumstances such as close family weddings or bereavement.

Absence is not authorised for any term-time holidays as per the Department of Education Regulations 2013. Penalty Notices of £120 will be issued to each parent for each child reduced to £60 if paid within 21 days. Please see our online Attendance Policy for further information. An attendance record for every child is included in his or her Annual Report. The statistics are also included in national records and our School Profile.

If your child will be absent, due to ill health, please contact the school office on 01622 858260 to advise, on each day of the illness, before 9am.

Guidance on Infection Control in Schools and other Childcare Settings.