Year 4 Project - Invasion
In the Invasion project, your child will explore the effects of the Roman withdrawal and the chronology and geography of subsequent invasions. They will study the Anglo-Saxons and Vikings in detail, examining their reasons for invading, their settlements and their everyday life. Your child will also look at monasteries and the Anglo-Saxon legacy. They will consider how we know about life in this period and investigate the Sutton Hoo ship burial. They will learn about Athelstan, an Anglo-Saxon king, and what happened after his death, before ending the project by learning about the Norman invasion of 1066.
Memorable Experience -The Ruin
History - Roman withdrawal from Britain; Chronology of invasion; Anglo-Saxon invasion; Anglo-Saxon kingdoms, beliefs and customs; Religion; Everyday life in Anglo-Saxon Britain; Viking invasion; Everyday life in Viking Britain; Significant people – King Athelstan; Norman invasion; Legacy
Geography - Geographical sources
This project is also supported by mini projects in:
Science: Digestive System and Sound
Art and Design: Warp and Weft
Design and Technology: Fresh food, Good food
Computing: derived from D.A.R.E.S
Music: derived from Kapow
PE: derived from TeamThemeKent Resources
PSHE: derived from Jigsaw
RE: derived from Kent SACRE Curriculum and Cornerstones RE projects
More information about the Year 3 Curriculum can be found in the YEAR 4 Long Term Plan 2024 document found below.
In Year 4 PE lessons are timetabled for xxxxx and xxxxx.
Please make sure that earrings are removed or taped prior to the lesson. Please also make sure PE kits include waterproof shoes and outdoor kit (jogging bottoms and jumpers) as we will be outside in all weathers. Please also provide socks if your child wears tights.
w/c xx/xx/xx
W/c xx/xx/xx
Additional Information
This week's homework is;
Please also access Doodle, TT and Numbots regularly to help consolidate classroom learning for Maths.
All log in details are in reading records.
To check which book level your book from home is, use:
You can complete quizzes on school books and books that you are reading/bring in from home.
YEAR 4 - Meet the Teacher
The presentation for this week's 'Meet the Teacher' meeting is provided for your information.