Year 2

Year 2 Curriculum Project

Year 2 Project - Land Ahoy!

Yo-ho-ho and a bottle of rum! Get ready to take to the high seas and set sail in search of treasure!

This term, we’ll visit Chatham Historic Dockyard to find out about boats and ships of all shapes and sizes. We’ll write about our visit, read information books, investigate amazing sea rescues and write postcards and poetry influenced by the sea. Our science skills will help us to understand how boats float and we’ll design and make model ships using a variety of materials. We’ll study paintings of boats. Our map reading skills will help us to identify different seas and oceans, and we’ll learn about famous sea explorers. Stories of pirates will inspire us to make pirate flags, treasure maps and fact files. We’ll even find out how to talk and sing like a pirate!

Help your child prepare for their project
The sea is fascinating! Why not take a trip to the coast? Visit the harbour, lifeboat station and beach and take plenty of interesting photographs. You could also make boats from plastic cartons, cardboard boxes and polystyrene trays. Add sails and cargo then see which boats sail around the bath successfully! Alternatively, sing along to some lively sea shanties performed by The Fisherman’s Friends from Port Isaac in Cornwall. Visit their website to access free sample tracks.


Memorable Experience: Visit to Chatham Historic Dockyard

Geography: Using and making maps; Locational knowledge; Directions

History: Significant historical people – Captain James Cook, Grace Darling; Famous pirates


This project is also supported by mini projects in; 

Science: Human Survival, Uses of Materials 

Art and Design: Mix it Up! 

Design and Technology: Beach Hut

Computing: lessons derived from D.A.R.E.S

Music: lessons derived from Kapow

PE: lessons derived from Greenacres/TeamThemeKent

PSHE: lessons derived from JIGSAW content

RE: lessons derived from Kent SACRE scheme


More information about the Year 2 Curriculum can be found in the YEAR 2 Long Term Plan 2023  document found below.

Year 2 Key Information

In Year 2, PE is timetabled for every Monday (Tri-Golf) and Thursday (Cricket). Please ensure that all earrings are removed on those days and that your child has their full PE kit in school.




Summer work ideas - write a diary about any exciting days during the school holidays.

Practise your cursive handwriting to crack that letter formation.

Write stories or poetry about a topic of your choice.


Reading for fluency -







Summer work ideas - practise telling the time to the o'clock and half past the hour.

Count in 2s, 5s and 10s - if you can do those really well try counting in 3s or answering multiplication questions about 2s, 5s and 10s.

Split 2-digit numbers into tens and ones.



Additional Information

Reminder that Monday 22nd July is the bikes, scooters and one toy treat afternoon. Please ensure your child has a helmet to wear.
Please remove or tape earrings every Monday and Thursday for PE.
Please hear your child 
read at home as much as possible. This really helps them in all subjects (please ensure that reading books are in school every day)
Show and Tell is only on Fridays and rotates between the houses:

September will be the next show and tell day.








  • This week's homework is:

    • To read for at least 10 minutes everyday to an adult.
    • spend 20 minutes (over the week) on Numbots (Usernames and passwords are in your child's reading record)
    • spend 20 minutes (over the week) on Edshed (usernames and passwords to be sent home in September)
    • For those wanting additional work -

    English: Write a paragraph about a topic of their choosing which use either a full stop, question mark or exclamation mark 

    Practise spelling and put into sentences:

    today, yesterday, tomorrow, because and school

    Write sentences which include a verb from the verb forms 'to be' and 'to have'

    to have =

    I have
    he/she has
    you/they/we have
    I/he/she had (past tense)
    you/they/we had (past tense)

    to be =

    I am
    he/she is
    you/they/ we are
    I/he/she was
    you/they/we were

    Write the days of the week (remember to use a capital letter)

    Write the months of the year (remember to use a capital letter)

    Write a diary entry about one day.


    How many claps can you do in 1 minute? 2 minutes? 3 minutes?

    Time how long it takes to:  get dressed; eat breakfast; make your bed; play a game

    Ask different questions around the days of the week and months of the year:

    If today is Monday, tomorrow will be ............. yesterday was ...........

    If yesterday was Thursday, tomorrow will be .................

    If this month is July, last month was ............ and next month will be ...........

    If they do any of this, please send it in so that they can receive house points.
