Special Educational Needs

If you have any concerns please speak to your child's teacher or Mrs Grieve


(working days Wednesday - Friday)


Lenham Primary School is an inclusive school.  All staff are responsible for all our pupils.  The mainstream core standards are integral to our provision.


We regularly review pupils’ progress to inform support and interventions.  Our SEN pupils are supported by teachers, teaching assistants and our HLTA’s (High Level Teaching Assistant).


Our school currently provides additional and/or different provision for a range of needs, including:

  • Communication and interaction, for example, autistic spectrum disorder, Asperger’s Syndrome, speech and language difficulties
  • Cognition and learning, for example, dyslexia, dyspraxia,
  • Social, emotional and mental health difficulties, for example, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD),
  • Sensory and/or physical needs, for example, visual impairments, hearing impairments, processing difficulties, epilepsy
  • Moderate/severe/profound and multiple learning difficulties


Our Aims


  • To encourage and motivate all children to achieve their full potential.
  • To have high expectations of all our children. Children on our SEN register make progress, which compares well with the progress made by other children in school.
  • To nurture children to become healthy, happy and well balanced in a safe and secure environment.
  • To develop children who respect and care for each other and for their surroundings and the wider world.
  • To involve parents in supporting their children in every aspect of school life.
  • All children benefit from ‘Quality First Teaching’: this means that teachers expect to assess, plan and teach all children at the level which allows them to make progress with their learning. In addition, we implement some focused interventions to target particular skills.

In a very few cases, if a pupil has lifelong or significant difficulties, they may undergo a Statutory Assessment process which can be requested by the school, or by a parent. This will occur where the complexity of need or a lack of clarity around the needs of the pupil are such that a multi-agency approach to assessing that need, to planning provision and identifying resources, is required. If the required assessments are undertaken, it may lead to an Education, Health and Care Plan (formerly known as a Statement of Educational Need) being issued.

All parents of pupils at Lenham Primary School are invited to discuss the progress of their children on two occasions a year and receive a written report once a year.  In addition we are happy to arrange meetings outside these times. As part of our normal teaching arrangements, all pupils will access some additional teaching to help them catch-up if the progress monitoring indicates that this is necessary; this will not imply that the pupil has a special educational need.  All such provision will be recorded, tracked and evaluated on a Provision Map which will be shared with parents at consultation evenings.


We encourage an open door policy to enable parents to voice any concerns they have regarding their child’s progress and be fully aware of the support they are receiving in school.  Parents are encouraged to work together with us to help their child overcome any barriers to learning.


SEND Knowledge Organiser

To help parents navigate SEND and in order to share knowledge, help and support we have put together this useful document.


SEND Knowledge Organiser


For information regarding admission of children with special needs please see our admissions page.

Admission Page