Year 5



Year 5 Curriculum Projects

Year 5 Project - Groundbreaking Greeks

In the Groundbreaking Greeks project, your child will learn about different periods of Greek history, exploring the earliest civilisations, the devastation of the Dark Age and the breakthroughs and developments of the Archaic and Classical periods. They will understand how the geography of Greece affected the development of city states and explore Athens, learning about the structure of the government and society. They will get to know some of the most significant Athenians and understand why Greek art, culture, architecture, philosophy, medicine and mathematics were so significant. Your child will learn about the leadership of Alexander the Great and discover how ancient Greece became part of the Roman Empire after the Hellenistic period. They will explore how the Romans respected and developed Greek ideas, making them their own and spreading them throughout the Roman Empire. To end the project, your child will decide which was the ancient Greeks' greatest idea, and explore how the legacy of ancient Greece affects their lives today.

Memorable Experience - Time Team

History - Ancient Greek periods - Minoan civilisation, Mycenaean civilisation, Dark Age, Archaic period, Classical period, Hellenistic period; Chronology and timelines; Primary and secondary sources; City states; Democracy ; Role of men and women; Social hierarchy; Great Athenians; the Acropolis; Greek art, culture, architecture, philosophy, medicine and mathematics; Olympic games; Alexander the Great; End of the Greek Empire; Legacy

Geography - interpreting geographical sources

This project is also supported by mini projects in:

Science: Forces and mechanisms; Earth and Space

Art and Design: Mixed Media

Design and Technology: Architecture

Computing: Spreadsheets derived from D.A.R.E.S

Music: derived from Kapow 

PE: Gymnnastics and Hockey derived from TeamThemeKent Resources

PSHE: My Dreams and Goals from Jigsaw

RE: derived from Kent SACRE Curriculum and Cornerstones RE projects

More information about the Year 5 Curriculum can be found in the YEAR 5 Long Term Plan 2024 document found below.

Year 5 Key Information


PE lessons for Term 1 are timetabled for Tuesday and Thursday every week.



Homework for this week:

  • MATHS - No maths homework for the holiday.
  • ENGLISH - practise your spellings on Spelling Shed
  • READING - Please continue to complete 20 minutes of reading every day and make a note in your reading record. 

Spellings Honey Bees (tested on Tuesdays): 



W/C 10.2.25

We will be using 'The Dreadful Menace' as an inspiration to write in role as one of the Ancient Greek Gods.

Spellings Bumble Bees (tested on Tuesdays):



W/C 10.02.25

Finding a fraction of an amount. Finding a fraction of a quantity.

W/C 24.02.25

Rounding decimals and understanding percentages.


Other information:

PE Term 4

Our new PE topics for Term 3 will be Gymnastics and Hockey Sport which will be lead by the coaches from Teamtheme. This will be on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Remember PE kits on Wednesdays and Thursdays.

Please can everyone bring a water bottle to school every day.

Don't forget to bring reading books and reading records, please.

Now that the weather is more changeable, please ensure that wellies are brought into school.