It is vital that every child at Lenham Primary School gains an understanding of mathematical concepts as it will directly affect their adult lives e.g. in terms of handling money, using timetables, following recipes etc. Children must acquire mathematical skills and knowledge and understand how to apply these to everyday situations. The school follows the National curriculum and the Early Years Foundation Stage for Mathematics, and has adopted a mastery approach to its teaching; lessons will include interactive whole class teaching, lively questioning, explanation and modelling. We expect children to play an active part in lessons by explaining and representing their methods in order to demonstrate their understanding.
The school’s aim is for all pupils to have equality of opportunity and access. Children are expected;
What have you learnt in Maths this year?
I have learnt my times tables and they are really important.
We have learnt about algebra, ratio and BIDMAS. I have improved my arithmetic score and I'm really proud.
We complete a Flashback everyday, these really help me as they cover things we learnt a little while ago and things we are learning now. I love the Roman Numerals questions as we covered these in Year 4 and its good to keep remembering how they work.
I really like using Numbots, it is great fun and helps me add.
At Lenham Primary we use the White Rose Maths Schemes of Learning to support our teaching of maths.
White Rose Maths is a company founded within a high-performing, Halifax-based school Trust. White Rose Maths work with teachers, practitioners, pupils, parents and carers with a single aim: helping every child and young person to understand, enjoy and succeed in maths. Their schemes of work achieve this by delevoping understanding. By truly understanding each maths concept and by mastering learning one step at a time, EVERYONE CAN DO MATHS: EVERYONE CAN!
We supplement and enrich our maths with a wide range of other resources.
The maths curriculum for each year group can be found on the individual class pages. Please click the appropriate link below;
This year, 2023-2024, we are pleased to be introducing Fluency Bee to our Year 1 and Year 2 classes.
What is Fluency Bee?
Fluency Bee is a structured teaching programme designed
to give children confidence with numbers through varied
and frequent practice. It is an easy way to build number
sense and develop a range of core skills in maths.
The key to mathematical fluency
The best way to develop maths fluency is frequent practice.
Fluency Bee consists of a daily 15-minute lesson separate
from the main maths lesson.
Fun and engaging
Fluency Bee provides a hands-on and practical approach
to number sense. There are lots of games and activities
embedded in the sessions. Frequent, fun and varied
practice helps core skills become embedded.
Concrete – pictorial – abstract (CPA)
The programme uses a CPA approach throughout to develop
a secure understanding of mathematical concepts. Concrete
manipulatives and pictorial representations are used to
support children to make links, build visual images and
make sense of abstract calculations.
Mathematical talk and reasoning
Frequent opportunities for mathematical talk are provided.
Familiar characters encourage children to explore common
misconceptions and explain their reasoning.
Rekenrek - a counting rack
Lenham Primary is proud to continue its delivery of the 'Mastering Number' programme, a major new initiative from the NCETM and Maths Hubs. The programme began in September 2021 and has been delivered in our EYFS setting since then. It is aimed at strengthening the understanding of number, and fluency with number facts
Mastering Number is wholly consistent with and complementary to the Primary Teaching for Mastery Programme, which has been running in more than 8,000 schools since 2016.
Our staff have received training and resources equipping them to give their class a regular short ‘number sense’ session as part of scheduled maths teaching.
Over the year, children will use a range of materials and representations, including a small abacus-like piece of equipment called a rekenrek.
Leading the programme is the NCETM’s Director for Primary Mathematics, Debbie Morgan.
‘The rekenrek looks like a simple piece of equipment, but it can be very powerful. Used by skilful, trained teachers it can help children move away from counting in ones to start doing basic mental calculations. We call this ‘number sense’, and research tells us that if children develop fluency and flexibility with number facts and relationships early on, they will make much more progress later, in both maths and other subjects.’
At Lenham Primary we provide children, from Year 1 to Year 6, with access to Doodle Maths.
Meet DoodleMaths, the award-winning app proven to boost confidence and ability in maths!
Filled with thousands of interactive exercises for ages 4-14, DoodleMaths creates every child a unique learning experience tailored to their needs, ensuring continual progression through the curriculum.
▶ Key features
• Powered by Proxima™, our adaptive algorithm, DoodleMaths automatically targets tricky topics and tops up knowledge, helping every child to get back on track in maths
• Its 40,000+ curriculum-aligned exercises are delivered in short, snappy sessions, supporting all types of learner
• It sets work at just the right level for each child, letting them work independently and removing any anxieties they may have about the subject
• Designed to be used for 10 minutes a day, DoodleMaths can be used offline on tablets and mobiles, letting your child learn anywhere, anytime!
Log in details are available in your child's Reading Record/Homework Diary. To access the website simply click the link below.
At Lenham Primary we provide children, from Year 2 to Year 6, with access to Times Tables Rock Stars. Times Tables Rock Stars is a carefully sequenced programme of engaging times tables practice.
The format has very successfully boosted times tables recall speed for hundreds of thousands of pupils over the last 8 years in over 16,000 schools - both primary and secondary - worldwide.
Log in details for each individual child can be found in their Reading Record/Homework Diary. To log in, simply click the link below and enter their individual log in details.
At Lenham Primary we provide all of our children with access to NumBots. NumBots was created by the same team that devised Times Tables Rock Stars. NumBots' goal is for pupils to use efficient mental calculation strategies to add and subtract two-digit numbers, so that they can leave counting on their fingers behind!
NumBots equips each pupil with the set of core maths skills they require by building their knowledge from the ground up - starting at the very beginning with subitising.
Instant recall of key number facts must be built on a secure and genuine mathematical understanding in order for pupils to move forward and solve increasingly complex problems.
Log in details for each individual child can be found in their Reading Record/Homework Diary. To log in, simply click the link below and enter their individual log in details.
At Lenham Primary we understand that supporting your children at home with maths can sometimes be a struggle. The approach to teaching maths has changed so much in recent years and as a parent you may have learnt a different method to how your children now complete calculations. We have produced a resource to share the language, representations and methods we use at school. To access this resources please click on the link below.
White Rose Maths have teamed up with TV presenter, teacher and parent Michael Underwood to bring you a mini-series called Maths with Michael.
We understand that many parents feel like maths has changed and that it’s sometimes difficult to keep up to date with modern teaching methods. Well don’t worry, these resources from White Rose Maths are here to help.