Locational Knowledge: develop knowledge about the world, specifically the UK, Lenham & Kent, Europe, North & South America
Place Knowledge: know and understand the location and characteristics of a range of the world’s most significant human & physical features.
Human & Physical Geography: know subject specific vocabulary and describe human and physical features such as climate and settlement pattern
Geographical Skills & Fieldwork: use geographical skills such as reading grid references, using compass bearings, making observational sketches and taking data to enhance pupils’ locational awareness.
What have you learnt in Geography this year?
Learning about maps was interesting because they show you where every country is.
I liked learning about how different our village was and how the shops and locations have changed.
I found the lessons about climate really interesting. We learnt about a range of different types of climate including tropical, polar and temperate.
We have looked at web cams across the world that show different places and time zones.